They Made This Badass American Flag Entirely Out Of Metal. And The Result Is Just WHOA!

Guys at Local Motors brought their patriotic contribution for this year's 4th of July day. They manufactured an American flag from scratch, using metal only: blued steel, rusted steel, and aluminum.

Here Are 9 Ordinary Boats That Seem To Float In Mid Air. I Had To Look Twice To See Why.

Crystal clear and crisp water is a sight I'll never get tired to see. Makes you wanna stop whatever it is that you're doing, and just go there for a refreshing and blissful swim.

These 14 Disney Inspired Cocktails Will Leave You Gasping For A Sip. Trust Me.

After numerous unsuccessful applications for a bartender job, Cody Winfrey came up with an undoubtedly original idea. His Disney themed cocktails started out as

How He Found These Two Kittens Broke My Heart...But You Have To See What Happened.

When dad of Imgur user provinciallife went out responding complaints for roads being blocked with snow, this is probably the last thing he expected to find outside in the cold.